In a modern grocery store, sausage and meat products occupy a special place due to their popularity among customers. To effectively present this product and minimize the likelihood of residuals, it is necessary to competently make a planogram. Thoughtful layout of meat showcase helps to attract customers, increases sales by 20-30% and helps to keep products fresh.
Placement of the Meat Department in the Trading Hall
To begin with, it is important to determine the correct location of the meat department. The most successful option - the middle of the sales area. This place provides the maximum flow of customers. Behind the meat section can be located gastronomy, cheese and dairy products. Good neighbors for the meat department will be seasonings and spices, but household chemicals, bakery products and confectionery merchandise are not suitable.
The Basic Principles of Layout Out Meat
Before you start organizing a meat showcase, you need to take into account:
- Temperature regime. For chilled meat, the optimal temperature is from 0 to +2 °C. This allows you to preserve the freshness of goods, prevent the development of bacteria and ensure safe storage.
- Commodity proximity. Raw meat products should not come into contact with ready-to-eat goods. Separating areas will help avoid cross-contamination.
- Visual appeal. Meat should look fresh, juicy and appetizing. For this purpose, it is important to choose the right lighting and packaging.
- Planogram of chilled meat layout. A properly designed product layout makes it easier for customers to navigate and encourages them to buy. An example of a meat layout planogram in the Planohero service:
- Odor Neutralization. Unpleasant odors in the meat department discourage shoppers. Wash equipment regularly and treat inventory with antiseptic agents.
- Updating the display case. Keep an eye on product quantities and replace weathered cuts. Empty display cases give shoppers the impression of a lack of product.
Steps in Organizing a Meat Display Case
1. Preparing the equipment
Specialized refrigerated layout cases are used to display meat products. They are:
- With remote cooling - suitable for supermarkets with a large assortment.
- With built-in cooling - optimal for convenience stores.
Modern showcases are equipped with temperature and humidity control functions to keep meat in perfect condition.
PlanoHero service allows you to create the necessary equipment for layout meat products. You can use ready-made templates or create a refrigerated display case from scratch according to your needs. And after creating the equipment, you can start laying out the goods on the planogram.
2. Organization of space
Layout of chilled chicken, pork and other types of meat should be structured. Products are grouped according to the following criteria:
- Type of meat: poultry, beef, pork, lamb, etc.
- Processing method: raw meat, marinated semi-finished products, minced meat.
- Price category: premium and budget goods are placed separately.
The best-selling items are placed at eye level. Less popular or large packages can be placed lower.
3. Use of lighting
Lighting plays a key role in creating an attractive meat layout. Lamps with a pink or warm yellow spectrum are recommended. They accentuate the natural color of the meat, making it more appetizing. Cold shades can scare away customers.
4. Packaging and presentation
The choice of packaging is an important element of merchandising. For poultry, yellow trays are preferred, which are associated with freshness and naturalness. Meat of red varieties looks better on a black backing. White color is universal and suitable for all types of products.
Price tags should be clear, readable and placed at an angle so that customers can easily see the price.
Tips for Layout Out Different Types of Meat
Laying out chilled chicken
To emphasize the freshness of the chicken, wax paper or ice is used. The products are arranged in vertical rows and the fillets are laid out in a single layer.
Layout of pork
Pork should be laid out in even rows. Parts of meat with and without bones should be placed separately. Be sure to indicate the origin of the product and how it was processed.
Layout of beef
Beef is divided by the degree of marbling and purpose (steaks, mince, soup sets). High-quality meat is placed on the top shelves, emphasizing its premium nature.
Sausage Merchandising Rules
Sausage products require special storage conditions, so commercial refrigeration equipment is an important element of their layout. The most popular solutions are showcases-counters and racks. The storage temperature should be about +6 °C, and for smoked and cooked sausages - different cabinets, which improves storage conditions and contributes to the convenience of choice.
Basics of Sausage Layout in the Shop Window
To make sausage layout in the store look aesthetically pleasing and stimulate demand, observe the following recommendations:
- Placement level: the most popular areas are at eye level. In this zone place expensive products and those that require quick realization.
- Orientation of the packaging: all goods should be turned to face the customer. This makes it easier to inspect the merchandise.
- Demonstration of slices: an essential element of the layout. Slices of cooked and raw smoked sausages emphasize their quality and composition. For batons with a diameter of less than 10 cm, the cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, for larger ones - at a right angle.
- Lighting: warm light with a yellow tint makes the sausage more attractive and helps to create a cozy atmosphere. It is convenient to use backlighting inside display cases to emphasize key positions.
- Refuse vacuum packaging on display cases: vacuum packaging reduces the visual appeal of the product. The product is left unpacked on the showcase for demonstration, while the main batch is kept packed in the refrigerator.
Expanding the Assortment Strategy
Competent sausage layout in the store is not only about placement, but also about assortment management. It is important to maintain a balance between in-demand and exclusive products. For example, cooked sausage and sausages should be presented in several price categories, but delicacies such as raw cured or elite ham can occupy less space, but be in the most visible area. Such a strategy allows you to reach different groups of shoppers and encourage impulse purchases.
The Psychology of Shopping
An effective sausage layout planogram is based on an understanding of consumer behavior. For example, shoppers often pay attention to products that seem popular. Placing multiple copies of the same product reinforces this effect. In addition, placing promotional offers near the beginning of the window or in the center of the store attracts attention and stimulates interest in other goods.
Merchandising Program for Meat and Sausage Products
Meat layout in the store is an art that requires not only a professional approach, but also the use of modern programs. In this context, one of the best platforms for creating planograms is the Planohero website. By following the rules of merchandising, you can achieve increased customer loyalty and strengthen the reputation of the store.
With Planohero you can:
- Build a store plan.
- Create refrigeration equipment or use templates.
- Develop an effective chilled meat layout planogram, taking into account the specifics of the assortment and merchandising requirements.
- Optimize product placement to increase customer appeal.
- Utilize analytical tools to evaluate the effectiveness of the layout.
- Monitor the correct execution of in-store layout with the help of photo reports.
An example of correct meat layout on the showcase includes space zoning, division by types of goods and taking into account their price categories. The service allows you to easily model such layout options, ensuring compliance with all standards.
Creating an effective meat and sausage layout planogram allows store owners and merchandisers to save time, avoid mistakes and increase sales
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